Small Groups
About Us > Small Groups
Small groups are the building blocks of community where we can get to know each other, find space to ask questions and make
connections between life and faith.
We have a variety of small groups: some are social, some are focussed around a Bible study, and plenty in-between. We hope you
find one that is right for you.
Lisbon Anglicans Young Adults Group
Sam Miller, Revd Iain & Revd Daleen
This group is for anyone aged between 18 & 30 (but we can be flexible). We meet once a month for a social gathering and twice
a month for bible study in the Lisbon area. We usually begin with a meal.
Men´s Social Group (Lisbon)
Michael Yarwood & Revd Iain
We meet once a month for a curry at a local Indian restaurant in Lisbon. We are hoping to expand this group to include regular
discussion, prayer and bible study.
Gentleman´s Lunch Club
Rob Levitt & Revd Iain
This group meets once a month in a local Tasca in the Estoril area for fellowship.
Women´s Lunch Group (Estoril)
Revd Beth
Like the men, this group meets once a month at a local restaurant in the Estoril area but is open to all.
Women´s Wellbeing (Lisbon)
Ava Yarwood
This is an opportunity for women to get together to socialise. It usually includes a craft, an opportunity to meet new people
and pray together.
Life & Faith Group (Caldas da Rainha)
Sam Jennings
An opportunity for those living in the area to get together for worship, study and fellowship.
Home Groups (Lisbon & Estoril)
Revd Daleen
Gather together with others from the community to read the bible, pray and enjoy fellowship.
Church Spirit (Online)
Bruce Dawson
This is an online gathering where a member of the community share stories about their faith, their career or places they have
travelled. Contact Iain for details of link
‘Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is part of it.’
1 Corinthians 12:27
If you would like to be part of any of these groups please WhatsApp Rev Iain (+351 911 979 007) or email who can then link you up with the organiser for the group and, if appropriate, add you to
the private WhatsApp Group.